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DGAP-Stimmrechte: Befesa S.A. (deutsch)

DGAP-Stimmrechte: Befesa S.A. (deutsch)
Befesa S.A. -%
23.06.2021 ‧ dpa-Afx

Befesa S.A.: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

DGAP Stimmrechtsmitteilung: Befesa S.A.
Befesa S.A.: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der
europaweiten Verbreitung

23.06.2021 / 15:30
Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch DGAP - ein
Service der EQS Group AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.




Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the German Securities Trading
Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG) and Art. 11 (6) of the Transparency Law
11 January 2008 of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (the Transparency Law) with
the objective of Europe-wide distribution

Befesa S.A.

24 June 2021

1. Details of the
Issuer: Befesa S.A. 46,
Charlotte L-1330
Luxembourg Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg
2. Reason for the
notification: An
acquisition or disposal
of voting rights
3. Details of person
subject to the
notification obligation:
Corporation Financiera
Alba, S.A., Castello,
77; 28008-Madrid (Spain)
4. Full name of
shareholder(s) (if
different from 3.): Alba
Europe S.à r.l., 46A,
Avenue J.F. Kennedy,
L-1855 Luxembourg (RCS :
B 195061)
5. Date on which the
threshold was crossed or
reached: 21 June 2021
6. Total positions of
person(s) subject to the
notification obligation
(Art. 8 and 9 of the
Transparency Law):
% of % of voting Total Total
voting rights through of number of
rights financial both voting
attached instruments in % rights of
to shares (total of (7.A issuer
(total of 7.B.1 + 7.B.2) +
7.A) 7.B)
Resulting situation on 5.1% 0.00% 5.1% 39,999,998
the date on which
threshold was crossed or
Position of previous
notification (if
7. Notified details of the
resulting situation on the date
on which the threshold was
crossed or reached:
A: Voting rights attached to
Class/type of shares ISIN code Number of % of voting
(if possible) voting rights
Direct (Art 8 of the Indirect Direct (Art Indirect
Transparency Law) (Art 9 of 8 of the (Art 9 of
the Transparen- the
Transparen- cy Law) Transparen-
cy Law) cy Law)
ISIN LU1704650164 2,041,430 5-
SUBTOTAL A (Direct & Indirect) 2,041,430 5.1%
Type of Expi- Exercise/ Number of voting rights that may % of
financial rati- Conversion be acquired if the instrument is voting
instrument on Period exercised/converted rights

Subtotal %
Type of Expira- Exercise/ Physical or Number of % of
financial tion Conversion cash voting voting
instrument date Period settlement rights rights

Subtotal B2 %
N Name % of voting Total of
rights both
% of voting through financial
held by Instruments held
controlling by ultimate Directly
or entity or controlling person control-
held led
directly by or entity or held by (use
subsidiary directly by any number(s)
if it
equals or is subsidiary if it from 1st
higher than equals or is column)
notifiable higher than the
threshold notifiable
1 Corporacion 5.1% -% 5.1%
Financiera Alba,
2 Alba Europe S.à r.l. 5.1% -% 5.1% 1
9. In case of proxy voting:


10. Additional information:

Alba Europe S.à r.l. acquired and is directly holding the shares to which
voting rights are attached in Befesa S.A.. Alba Europe S.à r.l. is 100%
owned by Corporacion Financiera Alba, S.A., a Spanish entity which shares
are currently listed and admitted to trading on the regulated market of the
Madrid Stock Exchange.

The significant shareholders of Corporation Financiera Alba, S.A. are as

%Total voting rights % Direct (shares) % Indirect (shares) % Voting rights
financial instruments

BANCA MARCH, S.A. 15,022 15,022
MARCH DELGADO, JUAN 19,772 11,747 8,026
MARCH DELGADO, CARLOS 20,138 18,906 1,232
MARCH DE LA LASTRA, JUAN 7,084 5,838 1,091 0,155
MARCH JUAN, JUAN 4,454 3,096 1,255 4.454
MARCH DELGADO, GLORIA 3,700 3,694 0,006

There is no shareholder agreement among these shareholders.

Juan, Carlos, Gloria and Leonor March Delgado, together control Banca March,
S.A. and own 100% of its share capital. None of them exercises individual
control over Banca March, S.A..

Company information

Company: Befesa S.A.
46, Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-1330 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

LEI: 222100VXGA8L6J4ZWG61
ISIN: LU1704650164

Contact: Rafael Pérez
Email: irbefesa@befesa.com

Internet: www.befesa.com


23.06.2021 Die DGAP Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche
Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen.
Medienarchiv unter http://www.dgap.de


Sprache: Deutsch
Unternehmen: Befesa S.A.
46 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
1330 Luxembourg
Internet: www.befesa.com

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service

1211270 23.06.2021


Quelle: dpa-AFX

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